LinksAllies of Devious Method EntertainmentDegenerationX (http://dxhearts.mirrorz.com)I am bound by honor to place this site on this links page. Don't ask. Sites worth a lookThe Daily Click (http://www.create-games.com)One of the biggest sites in the Click Community. The downloads page is worth a visit if you like free games and the forums are worth a visit if you like philosophy. Worth 1000 (http://www.worth1000.com) The best site out there for graphics enthusiasts. Graphics contests, professional high quality images, and humor. And there's even a few excellent tutorials on graphics making and editing. A must-view site for any serious Photoshop user. Home of the Underdogs (http://www.the-underdogs.com) A massive site storing many of the games the world has forgotten or ignored. Nice place to find that game that you wanted but couldn't find at the local PC shop. Museum of Hoaxes (http://www.museumofhoaxes.com) The name says it all... Mirrorz.com (http://www.mirrorz.com) Free URL redirection service. And with almost no ads! Site made and maintained by Muz (syedelvis@hotmail.com) |